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Psychic Mediumship Reading

$100.00 for a 60 Minute Session


Medium readings serve as a poignant reminder that while our physical forms may fade, the spirit endures. They offer a profound understanding of the enduring bond you share with your loved ones, transcending the boundaries of physical existence. Rebecca, with her empathetic abilities, conveys heart-felt messages from those on the other side. By elevating her energy and linking with the spirit realm, she uses clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling) and claircognizance (clear knowing) she provides clear insights and fosters deep emotional connections.


Energy Healing Session

$100.00 for a 60 Minute Session


An energy healing session offers an opportunity for deep personal transformation by addressing the root causes of limiting beliefs and subconscious patterns that have been holding you back. Through a guided exploration of your belief systems, Rebecca will help you uncover the origins of negative or self-sabotaging beliefs that have been quietly shaping your perceptions, attitudes, and behaviors. These beliefs are often formed early in life, perhaps through traumatic experiences or the absorption of limiting messages from family, sometimes passed down through generations. Our peers, society, and culture can also significantly influence our sense of self, causing certain beliefs to become deeply ingrained in the subconscious mind, operating below the level of conscious awareness, yet permeating every aspect of our lives.


Yet, the good news is that we have the power to challenge and shift these beliefs. During an energy healing session, you'll embark on a profound journey of self-discovery. Rebecca uses gentle questioning and intuitive guidance to trace the roots of your limiting beliefs and bring the core issues fueling them to the surface. Perhaps you'll uncover false assumptions about yourself, or unresolved emotional wounds from the past that have been coloring your present-day experiences and preventing you from living authentically. You may come to realize that these self-limiting beliefs were never truly yours to carry in the first place, but were instead inherited from family, society, or traumatic life events. With this compassionate awareness, the grip of these detrimental beliefs can begin to loosen. Rebecca will then guide you through powerful visualizations, affirmations, and energetic clearing techniques to help you forge new, empowering belief patterns that are aligned with your highest good. As these positive beliefs take root within your psyche and become woven into the fabric of your subconscious, you'll find that your conscious experiences, choices, and outcomes start to align with your authentic self, unlocking your greatest potential and allowing you to live with a renewed sense of freedom, confidence, and purpose.

Mentorship for Sensitive People

$100.00 for a 60 Minute Session

Package of 4 sessions for $350.00 
















Being an empath is a profound and remarkable gift that grants individuals the ability to deeply connect with and feel the emotions, energies, and experiences of others on a deep level. Empaths possess the innate talent of clairsentience, which allows them to intuitively sense and absorb the thoughts, feelings, and sensations of the people and environments around them. This heightened level of sensitivity can be both a blessing and a challenge, as empaths often find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of the energies they pick up on. 


In her mentorship sessions, Rebecca helps empaths explore and harness their unique abilities. This includes understanding one's sensory system, developing tools for emotional regulation, setting healthy boundaries, connecting to inner wisdom and intuition, healing the inner child, practicing mindfulness, and cultivating self-compassion. The goal is to guide empaths in embracing their gifts and returning to their most authentic selves, free from the expectations of others.


It is Rebecca’s heartfelt passion to guide fellow empaths on this transformative journey, helping them to fully embrace and strengthen their intuitive abilities without feeling burdened or depleted. 

Signs of an Empath.PNG
Look out over Sedona, Arizona
Butterfly at Crescent Moon Ranch, Sedona, Arizona




E-transfer is accepted as a form of payment.

Please give 24 hours notice if needing to reschedule.

Please contact Rebecca  Oliver to book a  session

Theta Healing
Trauma Sensitive Heart Math

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